Monday, September 13, 2010

Things I dislike...

There are some things in life I really dislike. Here's my short list:

Picking up after my children
Warm sodas
Appliances that don't work when they are supposed to
Meals that don't turn out like I plan
Making my kids do stuff
Getting up early
Being sick
Not being able to hear or taste because I am sick
Static-y clothes

I guess that's all I can think of for now. Maybe I just wanted to complain, sorta. I'm really jealous of my friend, Marianne. She's in Hawaii. Her hubby had business so she is there for 8 days. Lucky her. I like homeschooling my kids but starting that business back up is a pain! The kids ALWAYS rebel. Maybe this week will be better. Maybe this week I will be better.

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